September 13, 2022


One of our core values at YFC is Widespread Prayer. This means that we deliberately engage lots of Christians to intercede on behalf of the ministry.  Many of you know that each time we meet with a group of teens though our Juvenile Justice or Parent Life Ministries, we invite them to write down their prayer requests. Our youth are often amazed that strangers take time to pray for them. Their response convicts us to make sure we are inviting all our friends and partners to pray with us.

You can be part of our WIDESPREAD Prayer Project. We are asking groups of people – friends, families, small groups, or whole congregations – to commit to praying over the requests of the youth we serve for a month. During the month you choose, you will receive a weekly email with the requests; you can pray over these individually and together.

As you consider this invitation, please remember the words of the apostle Paul, “I urge, then first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.”  – 1 Timothy 2:1

And, please also consider the words of Jim Cymbala, well-known author and pastor at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, “You can tell how popular a church is by who comes on Sunday morning. You can tell how popular the pastor or evangelist is by who comes on Sunday night. But you can tell how popular Jesus is by who comes to the prayer meeting.”

We invite you to join us! You can sign up HERE.

If 12 groups each commit to a month, we ensure that we are responding to the prayers of the youth in a timely and purposeful way.